Social license risk training
This short course explains the fundamentals of Social License Risk, as well as how to identify, understand and manage it. It is intended for investment professionals and does not require any prior specialist knowledge.
Learning how to identify, manage and avoid social license risk in emerging market investments
Introduction: What is Social License Risk
Social License Risk: Course Requirements
A Short Introduction to Social License Risk (SLR)
Part One Section 1: What is Social License Risk
Exercise 1: What is social license risk?
Part One Section 2: What do we know about Social License Risk?
Exercise 2: How can we identify social license risk?
Part One Section 3: How can you use the knowledge from this training?
Exercise 3: Addax Case Study: Why does social license risk matter?
Part Two Section 1: Rapid location analysis: quantitive, geospatial assessment
Exercise 4: Rapid location analysis - quantitative, geospatial assessment case study: Agro EcoEnergy, Tanzania
Part Two Section 2: Qualitative and expert analysis: filling data gaps and weaknesses
Exercise 5: Qualitative and expert analysis: filling data gaps and weaknesses
Part Two Section 3: Financial exposure: Rapid assessment
Exercise 6: Financial Exposure assessment - Insert your assessment into a financial modelling process
Part Three Section 1: Corporate policy and relevant standards
Exercise 7: What do standards and certification show? Part 1.
Part Three Section 2: Social teams, access expertise and capacity
Exercise 8: What do standards and certification show? Part 2.
Part Four Section 1: Avoid Displacement!
Exercise 9: Avoiding the most common cause of conflict in investments
Part Four Section 2: Check for respect of customary land rights of local people using a Free, Prior, Informed Consent, or ‘FPIC’ process
Exercise 10: Checking for FPIC
Part Four Section 3: Check for a Social Impact Assessment and Social Management Plan
Exercise 11: FPIC and SIA
Part Four Section 4: Check for Ongoing Community Engagement & Monitoring
Exercise 12: Reviewing Corporate and Asset-level Investments
Part Four Section 5: Conclusion
Course Completion Survey
These are the key take aways from this training
How to identify risk in any given location
How to assess risk in a company or organization
How to complete due diligence at an asset or portfolio level
How to get the expert help you need and resource social teams appropriately
This training is designed for investors exposed to emerging market assets and portfolios. It helps with investments in any sector with a significant land footprint, such as mining, agriculture, infrastructure and renewable energy.
This training can be done in two to three hours but you don't need to do it in one sitting. It is broken into chunks of 15 to 30 minutes.
Almost nothing. The training offers a few exercises which are best completed using projects you are familiar with. The main thing you will need is the geospatial coordinates for this project and some of its key financial details. If these aren't to hand, we have provided some examples for you to select from.
Course authors:
This material has been funded by UK aid from the UK government; however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies.