Social license risk training for EME professionals

Social license risks, or conflicts with local people, connect to a wide range of ESG issues including biodiversity, land use change, forced labour, water management and health. Our research shows that these conflicts can create long delays that undermine value and the rate of return, regularly resulting in project cancellation. As the world becomes more connected, the reputational risks associated with these disputes are also becoming more acute.

A foundation in social license risk

The training shows you how to identify and manage the risk of conflict with local people at an area, project or company level. At the same time, it hands you practical tools and techniques to assess and mitigate exposure at a portfolio level. The course is suitable for a wide range of investors (including project financiers, asset managers and investment bankers). Should you want to develop more specialist knowledge, this training will provide the foundation you need to do so.

Lessons based on research into hundreds of recorded cases of dispute

As well as providing you the tools to deal with social license risk this training will also provide you with detailed real-world examples of cases of dispute. Walking you through how to recognize indicators of the likelihood of a conflict occurring and how to mitigate these risks before they arise and impact a project's financial viability. Throughout the course we aim to show you case studies of how the various tools and data for analyzing social license risk would have given the investors on these projects avenues with which to resolve and understand the reasons why social license risk led to severe delays and subsequently financial losses on these projects.

About Us

This course has been developed through a collaboration between Earthworm Foundation and TMP Systems, as part of a project funded by the UK aid from the UK government via the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO’s) LEGEND program to foster and facilitate more responsible investment in land.

Course authors:


This material has been funded by UK aid from the UK government; however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies.